WRM-912: Buckle

Owned by mossclaw3706

𝐁𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐥𝐞 ‡ ⚢ ⚯

she/they | lesbian

Your raspy-voiced lesbian werm aunt. Buckle runs a bar / club / music venue / dance hall / hostel / daytime community space on the Outskirts called the Sunken Trunk. She is very proud of her bustling business, and keeps up with all of her patrons' lives the best she can. Most wermz can't remember a time when Buckle wasn't running the place, but of those that do remember, nobody seems to know where she came from.

Buckle has an air of smug, confident calm around her, and can be quite the charmer. She’s armed with the classic bartender deflection; her personal life isn’t up for discussion…unless you want to hang around after closing. When she’s not behind the bar, sleeves rolled up, passing drinks around, her favorite thing is to hang by the jukebox. Many guess that it's so she can wermwatch and oversee things… but really she perches there to feel the music better. In her off hours, you're most likely to spot her in the alley out back, looking up at the stars between the twinkling neon lights.

Scavenging Drabbles


Lean and mean ;). Tall for a werm. Strong  arm muscles.


Above the Sunken Trunk, up in the attic / penthouse.


Fishhooks (#970) - Very good friends. Have gone Scavenging together...but just to get the free jackets at the Guild. The two are rumored to go wayyy back. Sometimes Buckle calls on Fishhooks for favors. Mostly they’re related to the Bar, but…sometimes she’s just a little lonely and wants to hang out. There’s Something going on there, even if neither will acknowledge it.

Inia (#612) - An older aunt / mentor figure to Inia. Gives her advice when she can. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's not. Inia hangs out at the Sunken Trunk during the day...and since she'd been comng by to get advice so often, she started offering to help Buckle sweep up. Mostly nia can't wear her down--Buckle just passes her a fizzy drink and listens to her adventures and troubles as she tidies up. recently, however, she's been insisting that Inia take a small gummy donation. For her troubles. She really has too many.

The Fetch (#1410) - A fox & crow dynamic--cheekily trying to one-up or get one over on the other. They have a begrudging sort of respect as rivals. The Fetch & Buckle have somewhat of an underhanded deal worked out--The Fetch stores some scavenged flora in the Sunken Trunk's unused cellar, Buckle doesn't ask questions, and she's paid handsomely for the trouble.

??? (#1551) - These two...there is something deeply weird and approaching wonderful about their intertwined lives. The mysterious salesman werm always seems to have a spare bed made up in the loft of the Sunken Trunk.

Donny (#1534) - Buckle & the salesman werm'z wermli--yes. Yeah, no they have a wermling together.

Vinyl (#3428) - Well...they have two of them.

Vinyl (#3428) - ...Okay, three of them.

Watcher Moon (#1782) - Fou-- just kidding. This is the other werm'z not-adopted not-daughter. Buckle has somehow wermed her way into Watcher Moon's life. She offers support and a listening ear when Watcher Moon will give her the time of day. The two bond over commisserating about the salesman werm'z constant absences.

金 jin (#9615) - ... .. ... Buckle? Where'd you go?

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