WRM-3596: Spire

Owned by opaquii

Spire | Nonbinary | They/Them

Mysterious and quiet, Spire loves to work at night. They're prone to getting cold easily, so they're usually seen wearing a hoodie or a sweater. They have weak lightning powers that they use for scavenging or to scare off other creatures.

They are standoffish and somewhat rude, since they don't like socializing with anyone. Quite analytical and likes to take note of every detail. Has a hard time reading others, is unsure if others are supposed to be trustworthy or not. Everything has to have a specific spot in their den, looks messy but in a purposeful way.

Spire once had a mentor when they were a young werm. Atlantic looked over them for a few months, finally leaving when he was sure Spire could take care of themselves. Years passed, and unfortunately, Spire no longer remembers what their mentor looked like... just streaks of sea foam green blur their memories.

After a scavenge to the abandoned labs went wrong, their biggest goal now is to gather enough crystals to channel their lightning powers. Something inside them urges to hurry, but Spire isn't sure why they just can't control themselves to do something else other than that. They try to remember what happened that night, but nothing comes to mind.


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